b'COWBOY KIDRoperENJOY THE RIDE ENJOY THE RIDESADDLES Tailored to help young ropers as they learn the basics, with a horn that is easy to reach and a seat designed to keep them in position. Blocked fenders help keep balance while delivering the loop.Cashel is proud to offer aSeat Sizes: 12, 13youth saddle designed with theGullet Size: 5-1/2young rider in mind. CowboySA-CKRO$1,299.99 Kid saddles are built with trees and rigging that stand up to hard work. A secure seat pocket, roughout leather, and kid friendly proportions help the young rider maintain correct position and balance. These saddles cant a wide rangeRancherof riders by adjusting stirrupsThe Ranchers lower,atter seat is designed for all day comfort. Larger swells and free swinging and adding a seat shrinker. Theyfenders keep the rider in a secure position on any are tailored to those who wearhorse, over any terrain. Just like the kids who ride them, this saddle is tough enough for ranch work.kids western jeans size 4 to 14.Seat Sizes: 10, 12, 13Gullet Size: 5SA-CKRA$1,299.99 Barrel Racer WadeSADDLES SADDLESNarrow ground seat helps the rider balanceThe Wade saddle offers closer contact to the for tight turns, with a tall, narrow horn forhorse with a traditional cowboy design. Its security and leverage. Prominent swells keepslightly larger horn cap secures the rope, and the rider in position as the horse drops, andthe high cantle keeps the rider in position.the higher cantle helps keep the rider fromSeat Sizes: 12, 13falling behind as the horse accelerates. Gullet Size: 5-1/2290 291Seat Sizes: 12, 13 SA-CKWAGullet Size: 5$1,299.99SA-CKBR $1,299.99'