b'PLAY TO WIN PLAY TO WINThe Rickey Green bit collection was designed for7-1/2" Shank Low Portteam ropers to train, practice and compete. ItAllows the horse to push into the ropers features a 7 loose-cheek shank and an assortmenthands. Length of the shank helps maximize of mouthpieces for collection and lateralexion,the function of the jerkline. Its port style is giving ropers the control and balance needed forshaped to be forgiving to a sensitive horse.Joe Beaver is an 8 Time World Champion Calf Roper with 22 proper horse position and consistent loop delivery. Doesnt lock on and hold a horses mouth, soNFR quali cations in Tie-Down Roping and Team Roping. Joe has Rickey recommended using arm leather curbit is a good bit for kids or novice ropers. dedicated much of his life to growing the sport, coaching the strap orat chain with these bits to allow theE. JBBIT2 pros and teaching young ropers the fundamentals of Calf Roping. horse to feel and work off the bit rather than$87.99 Joe conducts clinics, seminars and roping schools worldwide, in react to the feel and pressure of a biting curb. addition to horse training and public speaking appearances.Long Shank Snae 7-1/2" Shank High Port Classic Equine is proud to offer his line of time tested Calf Roping bits. Contoured shape makes the mouthpieceOffers more control on a horse that drops in the front and helps the roper keep his horsesThey are for everyone from novice and youth competitors to experienced comfortable, and the 3 purchase providesweight shifted to the hind end. Offers moreprofessionals. His bits will help make up ground in horsemanship so 11 Time NFR Quali er and NFR Champion Rickey Green is well knownleverage to lift the horses head and shoulder,control on horses with a hard mouth. Increasedthe roper can focus on the calf. Ropers can depend on Joe Beaver for his accomplishments as a leading clinician and horse trainer inkeeping the hindquarters collected. get back action on horses that dont want tobits for any style of calf horse, at varying stages of competition.the team roping industry. The Rickey Green bit collection includesA. RGBIT218 get back or yield to the jerkline on their own.a variety of proven designs for training and competition alike. $79.99 F. JBBIT1Chain $87.99Pinchless mouthpiece shaped to layat across8" Shank High Portthe mouth and tongue, attaches to the shankFor the seasoned, veteran calf horse. Provides and softly cues when pressure is applied.more control in the box and in the corner. Allows for collection, breaking at the poll and8 shanks provide maximum jerkline action. lifting of the shoulder in preparation to stop. Works well for ropers with light hands or helps B. RGBIT230 compensate for size and strength of the roper.$79.99 G. JBBIT3Sharp Setter $87.99Encourages rate quickly under speed. Port reaches the top of the mouth and signalsexion at the poll, bringing the horse into your hand. Preferred RICKEY GREEN BITS JOE BEAVER BITSon aggressive horses to maintain control.C. RGBIT240$79.99Setter with RollerUnique mouthpiece rolls back when engaged, slowing contact and allowing time for collection and response to pressure. Develops the horses proper headset and teaches him to carry the bit correctly. Under speed, helps A B C D rate smoothly and build consistency. E F GD. RGBIT241$79.99120 121'