b'CRUSADER FLY PROTECTIONThe Crusaders soft coated nylon ENJOY THE RIDE ENJOY THE RIDEmicromesh makes it durable, soft and comfortable. The Crusader also blocks up to 70% of the suns damaging UV rays, protecting horses from eye problems and sunburn.STANDARD LONG NOSE STANDARD WITH MULE EARS LONG NOSE WITH MULE EARSBESTSELLER Crusader Fly Masks Mule Ear Crusader The Crusaders unique three hole cap and doubleGet the same comfort and protection of the dart construction hold material well away fromoriginal Crusader Fly Mask, with longer ears sensitive eyes, lashes and temples withoutto accommodate donkeys and mules.damaging the forelock. This provides a moreSizes: Mini Donkey, Large Mini Donkey, natural and completeeld of vision. Grey. Donkey, Large Donkey, Mule, Large Sizes: Mini/Foal, Weanling/Small Pony,Mule, Mammoth MuleYearling/Large Pony, Arab/Small Horse,CFMMSESTANDARDHorse, Warmblood, Draft$34.99Standard CFMMLELONG NOSEThe classict. Protects eyes, cheeks and forehead $40.99fromies and sun without impeding vision.CFMS $28.99Long NoseExtra material on the nose provides FLY PROTECTION FLY PROTECTIONadded insect protection and shields STANDARD WITH EARS LONG NOSE WITH EARS the sensitive nose from UV rays. Fly Mask Measuring ChartBEST CFMLSELLER$34.99 1 Around face and mid jaw where bottom of mask will sit SIZE 1 2 3 3 HORSE MULE 2 Around neck 2 behind ears down to midEARS EARSStandard with Ears jaw to same point on other sideMini/Foal/Mini Donkey 18 27 15 5.5 11All the bene ts of the Standard mask, with soft3 Between ears (poll) down center of face to mid nostrilmicromesh nylon sleeves to protect the ears. Weanling/Small Pony/ 22 34 18 7 11CFMSE Large Mini DonkeyYearling/Large Pony/ $32.99 Donkey 24 35 22 8 13228 Long Nose with Ears Arab/Small Horse/ 26 38 24.5 8 13 229All the bene ts of the Long Nose, with softLarge Donkeymicromesh nylon sleeves to protect the ears. Horse/ 28 40 26 8 13CFMLE Mule $38.99 Warmblood/ 30 42 27 9 15.5Large MuleDraft/ 34 50 29 9.5 15.5Mammoth MuleMeasurement 1 has a variance of 4 because of the adjustable hook-and-loop closure. Ensure mask does not touch the eye area.'