b'Leather / Rope Halter Ear PlugsENJOY THE RIDE ENJOY THE RIDEQuality leather and hardware come togetherFoam style is made of molded Cashel foam, andFOAM NO STRINGwith rope and knots to make a reliable halter.sheepskin style is 100% sheep wool with a soft foam core The knots apply signal to pressure points forand connected with a 28 cord. They are easy to insert clear cues, and the quality of materials meansand help comfort your horse by muf ing the noises of this halter will last through all kinds of use. clipping, bathing, trailering, trail riding, and showing.HTR-LRC Foam Sizes: Small, Medium, Large $63.99 EP-IIFOAM WITH STRING SHEEPSKINEPNFOAM WITHOUT STRING$17.99Sheepskin Size: MediumEP-SS-M $29.99FOAM WITH STRINGNo-Turn Bell Boot Tail Shield BLACKSuperior protection and comfort. ToughThis neoprene tail wrapts securely and nylon shell stands up to abuse on the trailcomfortably to protect the horses tailhead from or in the arena. Shock absorbing foamrubbing and breakage. Also designed to use in center helps protect critical, sensitive areaslive cover and arti cial insemination breeding of the foot. Remains securely in place. situations by helping to keep the tail area clear andREDColor: Black clean. Not recommended for use overve hours.Sizes: Medium, Large, X-Large Size: 12 x 12BB-BLA TS$29.99 $19.99PURPLEHORSE & DOG ACCESSORIES HORSE & DOG ACCESSORIESROYALCashel Rubber Bell Boots Dog Leash BLACKStrong, pliable rubber construction providesThe braided dog leash comes in handy at home, protection against over reach injury. Will not attracton the trail and at the rodeo or horse show. It stickers or trap burrs and grass. Provides a 360has a convenient loop to hold, and the slipknot degree wrap, covering the entire coronet bandend is adjustable tot almost any dogs neck. BROWNand bulb of the hoof. Sturdy leather with doubleSize: 9 Long240 BLACK hook-and-loop closures for easy application. SA-DL 241Black Sizes: Small, Medium, Large, X-Large $13.99Color Sizes: Medium, Large PURPLEBB-BLARBLACKBB-RCOLORS$19.99BLUERED PURPLE BLUE TEAL GREEN'