b'CSnae D RingPLAY TO WIN PLAY TO WINThe D Ring Snaf e has a nice weight, balance and feel. Its design not only makes it durable, but it takes action to cue the horse. When released, it returns quickly to a resting state, providing release In developing Classic Equine Bitsof pressure and adding consistency to your hands.& Spurs, we worked with dozensSmooth Snae Dof the industrys top horse trainers. While all trainers have their own5 wide and curved to shape the mouth. secret specialty bits, the basicInlaid copper promotes salivation and styles of mouthpieces and cheeksgreater sensitivity to the bars.used by most respected horsemenC. TBBIT3DR20BROWNED IRON are surprisingly similar. $109.99D. TBBITDR20 STAINLESS STEELThis is a complete bitting system. $65.99Included are essential bits that areEcommon to most every professionalTwisted Wire Snae horsemans line of equipment5 stainless steel mouthpiece creates greater in all western disciplines. sensitivity in the mouth. Great for training or softening your older horses mouth.E. TBBIT3DR25BROWNED IRON$109.99 Square Snae5 stainless steel mouthpiece is designedFfor training, softening your horses mouth, and building sensitivity.F. TBBIT3DR29BROWNED IRONSnae O Ring$109.99Small Smooth SnaeThe O Ring Snaf e is a tried-and-true foundational5 stainless steel mouthpiece is designed bit many horsemen reach for when its time tofor training, softening your horses introduce a colt to the bit or tune up a seasonedmouth, and building sensitivity.NEW A horse. Its effective for lateral exercises andGpromoting softness. This bit allows for directG. TBBIT3DR35BROWNED IRONCLASSIC EQUINE BITS CLASSIC EQUINE BITS pressure to the mouth and cheek, building the$109.99horses con dence and understanding through clear pressure and release. Use it to teach lateralHackamore exion, responsiveness, and overall softness.Smooth Snae 9 cheek with solid noseband and adjustable Smooth bars make for a soft feel in the mouth.chain. Pinch free, designed for more control.Crafted for a comfortablet with the curvedH. HACKSSPSSTAINLESS STEELbars and loose ring design. Can be a great NEW B $129.99option to introduce a horse to the bit. 3 OI. HACKTB3 BROWNED IRONRing with 5-3/8 x 3/8 mouthpiece. H I$139.99A. CEBITORSS STAINLESS STEEL $39.99122 Twisted Wire Snae 123Twisted bars give more control and responsiveness compared to the smooth snaf e. Crafted for a comfortablet with the curved bars and loose ring design. Can be a great option to tune up. 3 O Ring with 5-3/8 x 1/4 mouthpiece.B. CEBITORTS STAINLESS STEEL $39.99'